The News- Stop, Go, Stop, Go…When IS the best time to Buy?

I watch the News, just like all of you….From the doomsday predictions to the market trend that I get in my inbox everyday. I watch the local market, read the paper, follow internet news and speak to lenders weekly. I talk to my local politicians, family’s on the cusp of loosing their homes and people that are in short sale situations. I talk to renters, old lady’s that have lived in their homes for 60 years and every once and awhile I actually try and crunch down the bond market to see what we all can expect in the future….( I only attempt this on massive quantities of coffee…and my leg starts twitching like a new born calf~ but hey, if its for all of you…Ill sacrifice my own discomfort. )

I’m working with several First Time Home Buyers currently and every other day they have a freak out~ pending on how the news is reporting.  They ask my advise, have trust in me and this is something that I take very seriously. I want for them, what I would want for myself or my own family and this is what I say today…..

We cant control what we cant control- we cant control pricing, we cant control what happens in the future, and we cant control interest rates or the US Dollar. This is what I feel confident in….there are a lot of people much smarter than myself saying that interest rates are going up, housing prices have hit bottom and if you want to be a home owner for the next several years, now is the time. That’s the long and short of it, simplistic I know. I could pull 15 million charts and graphs that would boggle your mind to infinity and beyond but simply put- if you feel stable in your own life, with your income and job security. Yeah, a home is a really wonderful life investment.

I know when I pull in my own driveway, and see the window boxes I blistered myself making~  planted with flowers I painstakingly shopped for …with my porch light on and the wicker chairs blowing quietly in the wind complete with pillows I sewed and my daughters waiting at the bow window jumping up and down waving…this investment, best I ever made. It’s Home….My Home.

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Vanilla Bean Cupcakes~ It’s all Betty Crockers Fault!

Every once and awhile I have to write something non real estate related….and just for fun. This is one of those posts….It all started with a trip to the grocery store and a Betty Crocker cookbook glistening on the rack next to the check out, picture of a tie dye cupcake any 13 year old would squeal over….I got sucked in, big time…..and I know they put them there on purpose- hoping that people like me get stuck in line, grab a copy and shell out $4.99 for recipes they can find on the internet for free….I’ve always been a sucker for these little books…sigh. The best recipe in the book…that Livi and I  both wanted to try- Vanilla Bean Cupcakes made from scratch. A mouth watering photo that almost caused me to drive out last night at 8 pm in search of ingredients…That photographer needs a raise, to suck me in that quick.

Livi and I had quite a day making vanilla bean cupcakes, our first challenge…..finding vanilla beans whole. It started with a trip to Sendiks and the fresh produce guy…my precocious 13 year old sauntered up and asked him if he had any vanilla beans….the look on his face was seriously, priceless. Here is this tiny little girl in her golf outfit, asking for something he’s never heard of. She shares with him that she has a new cookbook and cant wait to try this recipe for cupcakes…and it calls for two whole vanilla beans and they have to have seeds because she needs to boil them in milk and wait 15 minutes before adding them to the batter and the photo’s of the finished product just look amazing and Blah, Blah, Blah… only a 13 year old girl can talk….

Needless to say we were directed to the Market Owner who happened to be on site today and took my little girl by the hand and personally walked her to the area of the store that had whole vanilla beans. He gingerly took down the wanted ingredient from the shelf, handed her the one bean- in a jar…hermetically sealed and organic. She promptly told him that she needed two….and at $10.00 a jar…these cupcakes were becoming more expensive by the moment….Darn that Betty Crocker and her two vanilla beans that cost as much as 15 boxes of macaroni…..The look on her face with her prized possession….priceless.

The making of the cupcakes, relatively easy~ we opened the vanilla beans lengthwise and scratched out all the “beans” and then microwaved them in milk for a few minutes…let them set and ended up with the yummiest infused vanilla concoction I’ve ever tasted. ….and Im now looking at a fridge full of vanilla bean cupcakes to bring to the office on Monday. Every amount of effort~ worth it, this is one awesome cupcake~ I’m not even mad at Betty anymore for making me get ten dollar vanilla beans.

Livi’s sense of accomplishment, is truly priceless….and so is Sendiks for being the one local market that actually carry’s these things we need, when we need them…locally owned and a place that truly cares, about Vanilla Bean Cupcakes and 13 year old girls….Thank you Sendik’s….for a lifetime memory for our girl.

If any of you want the recipe…you can Email me :






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Wisconsin…..what makes us Great

I feel compelled to write this after the last two weeks of news….being in the national spotlight, being the passionate groundbreaking State we are- If your expecting a political tirade your not going to get one. Its simply a reminder of what makes us great.

I will never forget my first visit here from California- and the amazing sense of community. The 4th of July Parade that had children lining the streets waving American Flags and catching candy. Housing that I could afford, with a white picket fence and a small yard with a place to grow roses. The great public school systems and the small parish school down the street that welcomed young family’s with open arms and a Sunday Prayer. Neighbors helping neighbors…rather than quickly pulling into the garage and closing the door without ever even pausing to wave.

My first packer Game… the cars painted Green and Gold, parking on peoples front lawn all the while slapping high fives in the air with foam on their heads and pumped for the game. My first Brewer experience and the smell of brats in the air with take me out to the ballpark playing on everyone’s stereos. A Sunday ride on the bike in Whitnal Park with my young children watching deer and catching frogs. The simple things, the American things that makes our country what it is, steeped in history and passionate about our way of life.

While rocky times are ahead of our great state and the future is uncertain- dont forget to love your neighbor. The man living next door or the woman up the street…the lady at the corner store. As angry as you may be~ whatever side your on….we, are what makes this wonderful place what it is….our passion, our involvement and the fact we care… least its not a half hearten wave as a you pull in the garage.

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The Roof Rake and the Realtor

Being the Southern Californian I am…snow- is just beyond my comprehension. I hate how it falls from the sky, all shimmering and glittering with the preconditioned mindset of making my life a living hell. Mother Nature always chooses her timing wisely, always when I’m alone with our two daughters that weigh combined 100 pounds soaking wet with towels on their heads.

I knew the storm was coming, stocked up on household items…..the really important stuff like ice cream, cheese and crackers, wine and hot coco. Made sure I had battery’s and gas for the generator in case the power went out and called the snow plow guy to make sure that the driveway was clear. I was quite proud being ready for snowmageddon….I am woman- hear me roar.

When I woke up to our wonderful Wisconsin winter wonderland I viewed every vantage point from the windows of my toasty house, I even gave myself a pat on the back over my first cup of coffee that all was good and I had done it~ survived my first blizzard. My youngest wanted to go outside and play over at the neighbors and as I quickly pulled on my boots and shoveled out the back door, I saw it- saw the Beast on my back roof. Seven feet of glistening snow mocking me. Perfect. Day. Ruined.

I thought to myself…Ha, I have a Roof Rake….Im going to lop that puppy up there and handle YOU-~Seven foot snow drift…your no match for me and my Roof Rake. I stand humbly corrected…. The seven feet of snow on the roof kicked my fanny in about two seconds flat~ and as tempted as I was to simply let the roof cave in and set that puppy on fire with a blow torch while sipping a margarita from the warmth of my family room, I thought better of it and started the argues task of the snow drifts.

A Roof Rake is a simple shovel lopsided, attached to long poles that extend by several attachments and reach the highest points of your home to remove snow~ after the terrible blizzard there were several reports of roofs collapsing and its imperative especially during a heavy snow that the weight be taken off the structure of your home…while it is a workout and not recommended for anyone with a heart condition….dont neglect your roof during a heavy snow storm. ( Hopefully,  if the Ground Hog was right- they will be on sale soon and well worth the investment)

Dont forget about Gutter Heat Strips, a simple fix to ice heaving and ceiling leaks during heavy periods of cold weather, and extra bags of salt for icy walkways and driveways. Some simple pre-planning for winter weather is well worth it.



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Painting like a Pro- Without the price tag!

It really doesn’t matter if your Buying or Selling, a fresh coat of paint makes all the difference. So many times I have gone through houses with Buyers and its obvious that its been a do it yourself paint job. While there is nothing wrong with that – there are some simple tricks to the trade that can make your next coat of paint look like a million bucks…but not cost that much.

The most important thing to keep in mind while painting is the quality of paint that your using, while discount home improvement stores offer a tremendous selection there are different density’s that effect coverage. Consult with your paint store professional or big box home improvement specialist as to the best choices that they offer to suit your particular project.  The higher quality of the paint the less dripping and more coverage in color especially when using a lighter color over dark. In some cases you will need to prime first, typically with reds and dark greens. ( Or when moving into a home where someone was watching to much H.G.T.V. and whipped out 289 of their favorite stencils and went to town with the bird house motif )

If your ceiling needs paint ~ do yourself a favor and start this first…the last thing you want to do is have perfect walls and then realize the ceiling needs to be done and end up with drips all over your masterpiece…and if you have a 12 year old who wants glitter ceilings like mine did, do yourself a favor and just say NO…a post for another day.

Getting all your supplies before hand will sure save you in the aggravation department, and as tempted as you may be to use your dining room chair at an angle to fit your handmade drop cloth… using a roller that doesn’t quite reach the top of the wall- all the while balancing on your big toe so you can hit that one last spot, well- you really should have a ladder, inexpensive drop cloth that actually covers the floor, paint pan, a hand held plastic smaller cup for touch-up and fine line painting and a wet rag handy for any oops-es. New rollers are a must and depending on the quality and flexibility of your current paintbrushes you may need to get a couple more. Foam brushes are great for the edges and if you are doing a ceiling I highly suggest a roller with a guard.

Other items I have found that come in handy: Painters caulk, to make a seamless edge between wall and ceiling. Painters Tape to protect molding and trim…Painters tape is blue and removes nicely unlike its evil counter part known as masking tape that makes a choppy line and requires scrubbing to remove residue after a months time due to dust settling on the “sticky stuff” that you thought you got off. Plastic zip lock bags, so when the coffee wears off you can toss your paintbrush in it and set it in the freezer for the next days use…after it warms up its good to go- without endless washing and drying while using latex paint. Painters patch for small holes made by paintings, photos or small children playing with kitchen utensils while unsupervised in that one moment it took you to get the chicken fingers out of the microwave. I know the internet tells you that toothpaste works just as well for those small spots, but please trust me on this- It shrinks up after a years time, not speaking from personal experience at 9 on a Sunday when the last thing I wanted to do was go to the all night Walmart.

There are lots of online places you can get more hints and ideas…just Google *Do it yourself painting* The advice is endless and far more than I can get into here. Its a relatively inexpensive way to give your home a wow factor and I hope I have inspired a few of you to tackle that paint job you have been putting off. There is nothing better than a fresh coat of paint and the satisfaction that comes with a job well done.

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Autograph on the line- you get your sign!

I had a phone call today from a friend, who signed up with what she thought was a reputable REALTOR- suggested by her nieces third cousin twice removed, she got all the * bells and whistles* and was paying full commission. This was not a limited service broker,  she signed a 4 month contract…and never saw the agent again. She saw the sign, prominently displayed in her yard that was placed so badly that the snow plow guy couldn’t really get clear shot at snow removal…she saw the Email, that there were two showings with no feedback and no follow up call from the agent as to what went well and what went badly at the showing. She saw in her words * a disappearing act the minute I hired him as my agent*

Family’s count on their REALTOR to deliver what they promise…Communication in 2011 is accessible even if your in the middle of Kenya on a safari while riding a camel. This is the kind of REALTOR that gives us all a bad name, and had ramifications for one family. Please make sure whoever you hire to take on your Listing is a good communicator- because if they cant find time to communicate with who they represent, who else are they not contacting when it involves your sale?

I’m sure your all asking yourselves if I now have the Listing, and frankly I’m not sure. Would they like to sell~ Sure…new baby on the way and not enough room- but the bitter taste this left….the one bad experience, they may choose to add on. Communication is key with any agent…make sure yours is committed to weekly updates and keeping you in the loop.

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Floors that make you go~ Ooooooo.

So, I fully realize that I may be the only one that gets excited about unique and breathtaking floors. It could be inlaid, vintage reproduction, or something so simply spectacular it goes beyond your wildest imagination. Today I saw a inlaid floor in marble that seriously, I may have squealed a little out loud. Dark and muted dusty gray with a deeper tone connecting it all together, Simply Stunning. It made you want to run you hands across the floor and feel its crisp edges and quality craftsmanship, a rare impulse for anyone when it comes to flooring.

Its amazing what you can do with marble, and relatively inexpensive it is if you shop in the right places for it….I dont know about you- But I sure don’t have an unlimited budget when it comes to home improvements. Custom is not a word use regularly in my household unless its a new milkshake made by one of the girls with the leftover Halloween candy that always seems endless around here.

One of the surprising places you can find remarkable marble flooring in pre- cut sheets is Hobo. I was shocked at the quality and the price per square foot, and with some quick math found that I could do the entire floor in my daughters bathroom for around $400.00. Its not a large room, but after years of little kid science experiments it sure could use an upgrade and now that we are into the hairspray and eye makeup stage…it sure would make the room more pleasant for me to clean!

As intrigued as I am at the moment with marble, I also have had my eye on a nifty little place that sells the most amazing tile…..If you get a chance check out the link below. The penny tiles, the subway tiles, oh the custom tiles….Hows a girl to choose? Let me know what you think.

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Some homes simply speak to you.

I have always had a deep sense of appreciation for anything that invokes a feeling of nostalgia for me. It can be something as simple as a stack of handwritten recipe cards lovingly bound by whatever was handy at the time or an old button with worn dull edges from years of use. Im always known to stop at linen and textile tables at any estate sale and dig through to find that one prize that has been overlooked…that handmade scrap that most would look at say ” What do you do with that?” The feeling you get when you recycle to today’s use. The home I saw today is exactly that- a soulful place that needs for some perfect person to look beyond the worn edges with appreciation and call it home.

The property is located in Whitefish Bay on Wilshire Road, and is Listed by a fellow First Weber Agent. As you pull down the historic street located off Lake Drive you cant help but feel your driving into a world gone by. Situated on a quiet corner stands a wonderful two story, with a shake roof built by a true craftsman. The front door welcomes you, with its crisp white molding and subliminal smile beckoning you to enter. The windows are unique in themselves while the weathered front reminds you of that old East Coast community that your great grandparents lived in centuries ago. ( Mine anyway)

As you walk through the home your overtaken by the detail and the love that went into the materials that were moved here from the east coast. The vintage wallpaper, the portico and the molding. The charming Tole chandelier hanging from the four season room and the richness of the fireplace in the master bedroom. The hand spun rail that beckons you to the upstairs and the simplistic office space of a formal library that drives you to pull up a chair and light a cigar even though you dont smoke. The floors that need attention with square nails and lovingly protected for a few to enjoy. The home makes you want for a place we can never revisit, a day gone by and something more than ourselves. However- for one lucky Buyer….they can have exactly that.

I know in my heart, whoever purchases this amazing unique property will emotionally connect on the same level that I did….and all common sense for the new and shiny wont mean that much, like the worn edges of a fully serviceable button.

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Testing, Testing….1-2-3

Haven’t blogged in quite some time, and with the New Year Im looking forward to rambling a few thoughts out there…so sit back, grab a beverage of choice and lets see where the year takes us!

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